09 January 2015

Sometimes a little rebranding is a necessity

After careful consideration, prayer, and evaluation of where I am today, where I plan on going, and how I plan to get there, I ultimately decided to lay my previous blog posts to the Archives. I am still the very same person with the same convictions and morals.  But, my blog is going to be geared towards a dedicated purpose. I hope you stick with me through this endeavor in hopes of getting reacquainted with one another and making new connections.

“But then as time passed, I learned the lesson that parents do early on. You fail sometimes. No matter how much you love your children, there are times you slip. There are moments you can't give, stutter, lose your temper, or simply lose face with the world, and you can't explain this to a child.”  Louis Erdrich, The Beet Queen

1 comment:

  1. Always with you💜 . I tell my kids all the time that I'm not perfect and I will make mistakes it's called life. Another witty ditty (not) I tell them is as they grow and age so does my knowledge. I'm as new to the path as a mom just as they are as children. So far we've weathered any storm together. They are what makes my heart beat and my nights end. Love you twin
