17 February 2015

Four Seasons

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It Goes On"  Robert Frost

No truer words can describe my life in it's current season. I grew up in Texas and rarely ever experienced true seasons. So, when people would use the quote that everyone comes into your life for a reason or a season, I couldn't really relate to the actual season part of it. We had hot, hotter and rain with occasional hail storm. That is until now, living in Tennessee. Beautiful and exactly on time seasons. All four of them. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall and each one has this magnificent way of making me stop and enjoy each season. You see in the summer, it's beautiful, in the Spring it's beautiful, in the Fall, oh my gosh, the beauty takes my breath away, Winter has it's moments of beauty. I'm not a fan of cold and I'm petrified of ice/snow. Well, driving in that stuff scares the heebies out of me. Tennessee has offered so many different experiences just like it's specific seasons.  Several of those experiences have been wonderful and some have been devastating. All of which I have learned a great lesson about either myself, my surroundings, or my family. As painful as some of these experiences, I will stand on the solid ground that life will go on. I will heal, and I will grow stronger because of some of these situations. I accept responsibility for my actions that led to some of these experiences being horrible. What I won't do is continue down the same path that leads me right back to those dark places. God will deal with those issues. I won't allow my heart to become hardened. I won't allow my soul to be captured in a dark world of deceit, falsehoods, and pain. At the end of this season, life will go on. What I allow is what will continue.  

Recently, I have been hurt, pushed around, made to feel like a situation was my fault. Guess what? It's not anyone's fault. It's reality. It is what it is, and I'm not making it about me or anyone else. It's a situation that took a tailspin because people can't be truthful and act like an adult with adult subjects.  It's not difficult. It's really not. Unfortunately, the uncomfortableness will continue until we can grow up a bit and say "hey, this is what happened. Can we just lay it to rest?" But, instead the dance of awkwardness continues, and the whispers in the vicinity continue. Whispering has a funny way of being the loudest form of communication. I am not aware of my transgression. Gossiping about it does not resolve the issue. All it does is divide and conquer. The enemy wins and will continue to win as long as the bitterness brews.  I really can't even begin to express how saddened  I am that everything has worked out this way. But, at the end of the day, I'm not going to continue to subject myself to behavior that is not positive and where I find myself being hurt repeatedly. It takes a lot, I mean a lot to hurt me, and if that was the goal. WIN in that column. But, I am moving forward and learning a lesson that a season can be long and drawn out if I allow it. Spring is around the corner, not just on the calendar, but in my life as well. 

Growing where God plants me. 

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